Our Playground to Plate® food garden program and curriculum is developed and delivered by a Professional Garden Educator that is a qualified horticulturalist – Rachel. Rachel works alongside classroom educators, children and our centre chef, Fausto, to lead and oversee daily garden classes from our Playground to Plate® curriculum.
Upon completion of garden classes throughout the week, when our fresh produce is harvested, it is used in our centre menu for our children’s meals. Children in our Kinder Room are able to interact with the kitchen via an interactive bench and windows into our commercial kitchen, so that our Kinder Children come to understand how the food they’ve grown becomes the food they can enjoy for a healthy and active lifestyle.
We believe by implementing a food garden we can revolutionise the way children think about food and the environment by learning how the food system works, how food is grown, and the value of preparing and sharing healthy food together.
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